Passage B Choose the best completion.
    Most people are afraid of something. Some people are afraid of the dark. Some are afraid of roaches or of driving on busystreets. __26__ A phobia is different from just being afraid. It is not a normal fear but an extreme fear.According to psychologists, there are several characteristics of a phobia. First, a phobia is not a reasonable reaction. __27__ Second, it is a reaction that someone continues to have for a long time. It can last for years or for an entire lifetime.Finally, the reaction is too strong for a person to control. __28__   The word “phobia” is a word of Greek origin. It is derived from the Greek word “phobos”, meaning fear. __29__ Forexample, “hydro”, means water. Fear of water then is hydrophobia. Here’s another example: cyno means dogs. Fear of dogsthen is cynophobia.Why do people have phobias? __30__ One is that a phobia is something we learn. The other one says that a phobia is a signof a deeper problem

(AB). That is, it is a very strong reaction, too strong for the situation.
(AC). Two main theories have been put forward concerning what causes phobias.
(AD). There are still others who do not just have a normal fear of something; they have a phobia.
(AE). The development of a particular phobia may result from a variety of factors.
(BC). Phobias are named by using the Latin or Greek word for the thing feared, and adding the word phobia.
(BD). This means that even if the person tries not to be afraid, he or she cannot cope with the fear.




