II. Cloze: (I) Though horses are not as useful as they used to be, they still serve a variety of purposes. For example,they can be enjoyed in horse races, equestrian sports, for recreational horseback riding or for herding___16___. In some countries, they are still used as a means of transportation and as farming animals. But allthese are tamed horses, trained to perform specific functions. Today, wild horses still exist, but only in ____17_____ numbers. There are few wild horses left in the world, and most of them can be found in the American West. These wild horses are called mustangs, whoseancestors were bought to North America by Spanish explorers. In time, some broke and ran free. Soon they____18___ and grew into big herds. Many of them were later caught by humans and were domesticated. Ultimately, their numbers _____19____. Nowadays, only a small _____20____ remains.
(A) shepherds
(B) livestock
(C) fowls
(D) butchers



