請依下文回答第 32 題至第 35 題Euthanasia, also called “mercy killing,” is an act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons sufferingfrom painful and 32 disease. Because there is no specific provision for it in most legal systems, it is usuallyregarded as either suicide (if performed by the patient himself) or murder (if performed by another). The term euthanatos meant “good death” to ancient Greeks, who did not consider life needed to be preserved at any cost intorturing and lingering pain. Today’s euthanasia generally refers to the 33 ending of the life of someonewho is terminally or hopelessly ill. Like abortion, euthanasia has become a legal, medical, and 34 issue overwhich opinion is divided. 35 about the morality and legality of euthanasia has become a controversy sincethe 1950s. Yet, many people think it should be lawful for a doctor to end a suffering patient’s life on request,either by administering a lethal injection or by assisting the patient to commit suicide.



