C.A supermarket is different from other stores. In a supermarket, goods are placed on open shelves(架子). Customers help themselves to what they want and take the goods to the checkout counter(付款櫃檯). This means fewer workers are needed.Another difference is that in front of the checkout counter are things inexpensive(不貴的): candies, chocolate, magazines(雜誌), etc(等等). How come? Well, most customers buy from a shopping list(清單). They pick up what they really need to buy. But when they come to the checkout counter, they feel relaxed(放鬆的). At this moment, many customers may feel like buying something just for fun. What’s more, many shopping centers have big parking spaces(停車位)and they close late at night. This makes shopping a lot more convenient.
28. Which is NOT true about running a supermarket?
(A) Workers help customers pick up goods.
(B) If you put the goods at the right place, they’ll sell well.
(C) The owner tries to make customers buy more goods.
(D) Goods are placed on open shelves.



