An old man felt sick and went to see a doctor. “I don’t feel well today,doctor. 28 I took my temperature this morning. It was 39,”he said. The doctor said,”I will examine you.” Ten minutes later, the doctor gave him medicine and said,” 29 the medicine before meals and take a rest at home. 30 healthy food and drinking more water 31 helpful. Also, you need to do more exercise. You are too weak. 32 every day is good for your health. “Thanks,doctor. I think you are right. I will take your advice,” said the old man.
temperature溫度 will將會 examine檢查 rest休息 more更多 helpful有幫助的 weak虛弱的 advice建議

(A) I have a stomachache.
(B) I have a sore throat.
(C) I have a fever.
(D) I have a toothache



