II         Over the protests of her shocked parents, Maria Montessori decided at age 13 to become an engineer. Once enrolled in a technical school, however, she switched her allegiance to medicine. And so it was that in 1896, to everyone’s surprise but her own, Montessori became the first woman in Italy to graduate from  14  school. Not long after, Montessori also became an educator. The observations she made of young “idiot children” in asylums and her growing conviction that mental  15  was at root a pedagogical problem led her directly to the writings of Jean-Marc-Gaspard Itard and Edouard Séguin. From these, it was but a shortstep to the study of pedagogy and the philosophies of Rousseau, Pestalozzi and Froebel. Inquick  16  thereafter Montessori gave a series of lectures on special methods of education at a teacher training institute in Rome, was appointed director of a medical-pedagogical institute,and taught in the Pedagogic School at the University of Rome. Then, in 1980, she opened the first Casa dei Bambini—a school for “normal” children who were running wild in Rome’stenements while their parents were at work
(A) law
(B) medical
(C) business
(D) language



