(A) 閱讀對話,回答 1-2 題Danny: What did you do on the Moon Festival? Did you eatmoon cakes?Johnny: No, but I had pomelos. It is my favorite fruit and I canhave it only in fall.Danny: I see. What else did you do?Johnny: I watched a movie on TV. It’s about Diana, the goddessof the moon. Apollo is her twin brother. She isbeautiful but jealous.Danny: Interesting! By the way, she can talk to animals, right?Johnny: Yes. How do you know about that? Did you watch it,too?Danny: No, my English teacher told us the story in class last week.Johnny: She also kissed a young handsome man, Endymion.Because of the kiss, he can never wake up and she can bewith him forever.Danny: That’s not true love because she can’t talk to him, take awalk with him, or share anything with him.Johnny: You’re right.  twin 雙胞胎 jealous 忌妒的 share 分享

1.How did Danny know about Diana?
(A) He watched a movie on TV.
(B) He read a book.
(C) Jonny told him.
(D) His English teacher told the story in class.



