閱讀測驗:   A new study, published by the Rapid Transition Alliance(RTA), has revealed that climate change will threaten worldwide sports events over the next three decades. RTA monitors climate change, development and global issues. Researchers said that nearly all sports would be impacted by what they called "an accelerating climate crisis." They highlighted how the weather has already messed up major sports events. Bushfires in Australia made playing conditions hazardous at the Australian Tennis Open and drenching rain from a huge typhoon disrupted last year's Rugby World Cup in Japan. The report predicts that fires, floods, heatwaves and rising sea levels will cause greater disruption.   Andrew Simms, the coordinator of RTA, urged the sports industry to do more to become carbon-neutral. He said: "Sport provides some of society's most influential role models. If sport can change how it operates to act at the speed and scale necessary to halt the climate emergency, others will follow." He added that the carbon emissions from sports events worldwide are equal to those produced by a medium-sized country. The report's author, David Goldblatt, said sport should be more proactive. He said: "Making a carbon-zero world the common-sense priority of the sports world would make a huge contribution to making it the common-sense priority of all politics."
41. What kind of climate crisis did researchers say there was?
(A) an escalating crisis
(B) a serious crisis
(C) a manageable crisis
(D) a decades-old crisis



