2. In October, thousands of people go to Kenting to relax in a special way. They watch birds. AroundDouble Tenth Day flocks of eagles and hawks fly across the sky of Kenting. With the coming ofwinter, however, all the birds begin to fly to some warmer places.October is not the only time to do the fun sport. In fact, in Taiwan you can watch birds all the yearround. And you can do it wherever you go. Because of the warm weather, Taiwan has a great manybirds. If you keep your eyes open, you may even find some around you. Here are some tips for birdswatching.●Don’t get too close to birds that are building nests or feeding their chicks. Some birds will give uptheir baby birds if they are scared.●Take a pair of binoculars with you. This way, you can see the birds more clearly.●Buy a good field guild if you don’t have one yet. It can help you know the birds that you have neverseen before.※chick 小鳥 ※binoculars 望遠鏡
1. What are eagles and hawks?
(A) They are the things you need for watching birds.
(B) They are the names of birds.
(C) They are the names of countries where birds stay.
(D) They are the people who watch birds.



